Load Mat Lo…

A thousand dreams are at the cusp of realization, a thousand hopes about to be fulfilled, a thousand old journey ends and another thousand about to begin. Come the month of May every year and I am here to experience the bitter-sweet moment again. A moment that is the culmination of yearlong toil, frenzied efforts, sleepless nights, manifold big and small decisions, tears of happiness and joy, small disappointments, big achievements, numerous discussions, multiple differences and eventual clarity on the path to be chosen. This month pushes me down the memory lane and I happily tread along the path of the beautiful memories that I share with you all. The numerous equations that I share with you all, be it that of your counselor, mentor, friend, or confidante, makes this moment very precious. I try writing something on similar lines every year and keep on updating and editing what I need to express every time I go about this…

My dear students, you are about to commence a wonderful journey. A journey of hope, dream and joy for there is nothing more satisfying than treading the path that helps you grow your knowledge and wisdom. Allow me to use this occasion to share a few words of wisdom that will go a long way into making your journey smooth and memorable.

Before you commence the most important journey of life, bear in mind that this road is not without its bumps and holes. The path has its own shares of twist and turns. There are chances that you may get lost in the winding lanes. There is a possibility that you may feel confused and isolated. There is a probability that you may feel overwhelmed with the arduous journey ahead. So what will you do? How will you react? Will you give up? Back out? Call it quits? Or will you choose to strengthen your resolve and trudge forward? At every turn and twist you must make a choice. And my endeavor was, is and always will be to help you choose wisely. A wise choice is the result of respecting certain fundamentals. Here are the five fundamental rules that will go a long way and enable you to exercise the right choice.

First Fundamental Rule: Single Minded Focus on your GOAL:

Why have you toiled and struggled all along? What is your ultimate aim? Where do you intend to be? What is your most cherished dream? It goes without saying that completing your Masters successfully is the most important goal at this juncture of your life. Never, even for a single moment, take your focus off what you truly aim and aspire for. Whenever you feel distracted, dejected or delusional, just remember how long you have come along and that it absolutely makes no sense to quit given the time, money and efforts that you have invested thus far. Bear in mind how crucial this degree is in the overall scheme of life and how it will help you shape your life. You will have to make numerous sacrifices, live on a tight budget, skip parties, say no to alluring social plans for the purpose of completing your credits. However, trust me that when you get the chance to fling your hat on the graduation day, and see the broad smile on your parents’ face, the happy realization dawns upon you that all the pain, struggle and sacrifice was worth it…

Second Fundamental Rule: A strict no to PLAGIARISM:

An act that may appear to be trifle in the Indian context assumes a whole new meaning all together in the US given the consequences. Please keep in mind at all times during your tenure that you have to strictly, whether directly and/or indirectly avoid plagiarism. Neither should you copy your assignments/projects/course nor should you allow your friends, classmates copy your assignment, projects. This is for the simple reason that plagiarism is a very serious offence and you will face the risk of deportation in the event you are found guilty. It is okay if you have a low score in a subject or two but nothing AND I REPEAT AND STRESS NOTHING should induce you to commit the offence of plagiarism! PERIOD…

Third Fundamental Rule: Adjust, accommodate and accept DIFFERENCES AND DIVERSITY:

As a matter of thumb rule, always bear in mind that you are going into the land of diversity. You will have to widen your horizon and learn to adjust with people of different cultural values, upbringings and background. It never helps to be a toxic critic of a different way of life. People are what they are, and you will have to learn to value and appreciate them with their differences. Infact, you will have to learn to adjust with and accommodate your roommates. There will be challenges, there will be conflicts, there will be big and small disagreements. Again you will be faced with choices? What would you like to choose? While your time firefighting or constructively use your time by focusing on your courses and credits? Which choice will eventually pay off? Of course the latter! Whilst I am by no means suggesting that you must bear and suffer toxic roommates; however, after counselling numerous students I have come to realize that a lot of fights and differences are the outcome of our tendency to be intolerant and judgmental. If only you learn to adjust, accommodate and accept, you will indeed go a long way…

Fourth Fundamental Rule: NO TO DRUGS:

Keep your desires to get stoned and indulge in Manali trance at bay. Trust me it doesn’t help in any manner whatsoever. Be it recreational drug or otherwise, it just doesn’t help you. You have to avoid the temptation at all cost. You just cannot afford at any juncture of life to get into the habit of taking drugs. What may start off on a small scale will eventually snowball into a massive self-destructive habit. Not only will you ruin your life, but you will also shatter your parent’s heart, hopes, dreams and aspirations into a million pieces. This is the reason why you should strictly say NO TO DRUGS.

Fifth Fundamental Rule: Keep in touch with Folks back HOME:

Never, even for a single moment, forget the many sacrifices your parents have made to help you start this wonderful journey. While you will be busy weaving your dreams in your desired destination, your parents back home will constantly be fraught with worry about your well-being. Remember that they are lonely without you, remember that they are ageing. Remember that although they might not say in so many words but they need you. It doesn’t hurt to send regular messages, make regular calls to keep in touch and update them. You may be tempted to spend all the time with your friends at the cost of ignoring your parents many calls and messages, remember that this behavior only smacks of selfish intent and lack of empathy. It will not cost you much of your time to spare a couple of minutes and connect with your parents. Trust me it goes a long way to allay their fears and concerns.

Last, but not the least, do keep in touch with me… I am always here for you to help you untangle and resolve your issues, be it big or small. Just a WhatsApp Away… 🙂

Oh, I forgot to mention my golden rule among the above five rules: LOAD MAT LE… 😉

Given the fact that you may have heard me using this phrase a zillion times, I think it does not need further explanation… Follow this mantra and you will sail through amidst the most violent sea of life…

Relax and enjoy the experience. Everything will work out for your highest good… Chill maarte maarte yaha taka ae ho, ab Chill maarte maarte aage bhi pohoch hi jaaoge… 😉

Good luck for your wonderful journey and I hope and wish that you all get what you are truly aspiring for… 🙂

Hiren Rathod.

(P.S.: The above written post is written with inputs from the past students as well… In case if anyone has more inputs, kindly add them in the comments section below… 🙂 )



  1. Very well written Sir.. living by the words.. Load mat le..
    Thanks for everything you did & continue doing to help hundreds of students pursue their dreams each year! 🙂

  2. Excellent sir🙏it’s really worth it to all students. This is just like Bleach of mind 😊

  3. Really worth it 👍 its just like Bleach d mind n refresh us ..and also help to gave right track with right way 🙏✌sir your writting always very useful to students 😄