Happy Teacher’s Day…

From darkness to light, from chaos to order, from confusion to clarity, from despair to hope, from a sense of resignation to a sense of purpose, from a feeling of being left out to that of being included… If there is any person, anything, any situation, any circumstances, any event, that leads you from the former to the latter, then, in such case, that individual, that situation, that circumstances, that event, is without doubt your Guru, your Coach, your Mentor, your Guiding Light, your teacher…

There is a very profound observation that I came across whilst reading or maybe watching the works of Mr. Devdutt Pattanaik on Netflix:

Within infinite myth, lies an eternal truth

Who sees it all?

Varuna has but a thousand eyes

Indra, a hundred

You and I, only two

With all our limitations, the process to comprehend and make sense of life and the ever-evolving universe is an uphill task, to say the least. To add to the confusion, life, with its manifold expectations and demands, its twists and turns, its ebb and flow, feels like a riddle, like a complicated maze, like a mystery that is becoming unsolvable with every passing minute. Amidst this backdrop, a Guru, a Mentor, a Coach feels like a breath of cool fresh air that offers much needed respite from the scorching heat of confusion and chaos; a presence of a mentor feels like a banyan tree that offers the coolest shade and protection from the blazing sun, the guidance of a coach feels like a fresh water from a sweet stream that quenches the thirst of a parched throat. No wonder a teacher is accorded highest honour in our culture and rightly so. If I were to write a note of gratitude to all those who have led me from darkness to light, I must admit it would be a never-ending scroll.

I will summarize some life lessons that I have learnt from my mentors/Guru/Coach for the benefit of my friends.

Life (along with some Old Monk): When you hit rock bottom, the only way is up…

My FatherEducation is the light house that will guide the ship of your life amidst the most turbulent storm of circumstances…

My MotherYou cannot put a price tag to save and rescue those whom you love! Practical attitude is the panacea to resolving the cruellest crises of your life and mitigate any damage to your mind, body and soul…

My friends: You do not need to be tied by the bond of blood to be there, to help, to offer solace and support. Shared values and solidarity are all you need to develop an unbreakable bond of every lasting friendship…

My students: Pursue your passion, your dream, for life without dream is as good as a rudderless ship that is drifting aimless in the ocean of life…

My Wife (well, she has taught me a lot… Trying to summarize something here…): Let the counter party put the best argument and endeavor to offer an argument that is better than the best for that will compel you to think logically and do a 720-degree evaluation of the problem that afflicts you and possibly find a worthwhile solution…

My SisterIt is not a sin to live life on your terms for giving in to peer pressure, social demands and expectations is nothing but a short cut to living a life that is possibly fake that fails to do justice to what really makes you happy…

Banit: Never ever say die… When life offers you lemon, make lemonade and enjoy the drink… You can have fun in the most godforsaken place of the earth… It is your attitude that makes the difference…

COVID-19: Value and cherish simple things in life. Do not take things for granted. Certain common-sense precaution is all it takes to keep you safe and sound! You cannot put your life on hold because you are beset by a global crisis for you must continue pursuing your dreams and ambitions…

My time in US: Student life will possibly be the best phase of your life for it will teach you to bond, share, live a frugal life and yet make the most out of it, reassess your priorities, goals and ambitions and help you develop equation that you will invariably cherish forever…

Well, I can go on with the list. However, the paucity of time and the many demands of life compel me to put a stop. This does not mean that I am not thankful to those whom I have not mentioned. I am sure each of you would have a similar list. I would sincerely urge you to take the time out today and connect with those who have been your guiding light. This is the least you can do to acknowledge the contribution that value of which in your life is without doubt intangible…

Happy Teachers Day!!!

Hiren Rathod.