Time invariably being linear calls upon you to keep up with the pace of progress. The rapid fluidity of time summons you to wake up from your reverie of the virtual world of Instagram and other social networking sites that offers instant gratification, an escape route, an illusion of achievement being the variable of the number of likes. The virtual acknowledgment puffs up the ego and corrodes the willpower to do anything meaningful and substantial.
You may have a million dreams and aspiration. You may aspire to write a book, start a social project, sign up for an academic course that would add meaning and value to your professional life, travel to explore the world, contribute to a political cause and what not… You may have an ambition of wearing multiple hats, leading a double life of dual profession, pursue corporate dreams and at the same time work on a social cause, live a life an academician and at the same time find alternate avenues for a secondary income, be a writer and at the same time excel in your full-time job.
While harbouring the many dreams, sowing the seed of many aspirations, amidst the many distractions of the virtual world, you must, always, be conscious of the fact that you have a finite amount of time. In the context of the decades that your life will allow you to live, you cannot procrastinate your dreams to a distant future. The notion of finite time is by no stretch of imagination morbid. On the contrary, it compels you to live a richer and fuller life by valuing every moment. It fuels you to pursue your aspirations with a sense of urgency. This sense of urgency acts as a magic potion, a catalyst, a launch pad, a strong base for you to not only get initiated but also see things reaching its own logical conclusion.
A dream that is meaningful, rock solid and substantial, an aspiration that is worth pursuing invariably entails a long gestation period and calls for a huge commitment in terms of time and efforts. If you start pursuing your dream with the notion that you have all the time in the world and park things to be completed at a later stage, you invariably lose the momentum, the sense of urgency, the force, the fuel of determination that forms the bedrock, the founding stone of the castle of your aspiration.
To lose the sense of urgency is akin to losing sight of the clear path ahead. To lose the sense of urgency is akin to losing direction and getting lost in the chaos of multiple distractions… To lose the sense of urgency is to lose the very fundamental value that forms the corner stone of your dreams. To lose the sense of urgency is to lose the very pulse that keeps your hope alive…
When you reach the wrong side of 35 (age wise), you do tend to delve into these thoughts and try staying relevant as well in several domains of your lives and whatever has been written above, comes in from these thoughts itself…
Chase your dream and whatever you hope for with a sense of urgency… Cheers…
Hiren Rathod.