What moves mountains?
What moves mountains? Is it faith? Is it firm resolve? Is it passionate love? Or is it a combination of all??? How do you cross the seemingly unsurpassable path of life’s tumultuous journeys made up of small and big goals in the midst of calamites, challenges and road blocks at every turn? Is anything ever unattainable? Is any obstacle ever unsurpassable? Is the mountain really movable? A deeply inspiring story of a poor labourer from Gehlaur, Bihar leads me to conclude that nothing is unattainable indeed. Every obstacle is passable… Mountains indeed are movable… The story of “Dashrath Manjhi” is awe inspiring, to say the least and I would recommend everybody to see the movie made on his life. This is for the simple reason the beautiful and inspiring story of his life will serve as a source of inspiration to you just when you might choose to give up on your dreams, your destination, and your goals.
A beautiful poem already written on the life of Dashrath Manjhi reproduced below aptly sums up the life of this remarkable man:
There was once a man who lived
in burnt rocky hills
village farmer frail and tilt
humble down to strips
and one day his wife fell sick
he took her in his hands
but in path for miles thick
one huge hill did stand
he knew but closest path to town
would take whole day on foot
if it weren’t this hill around
get there sooner he could
even though he tried his best
kept his faith alive
yet he failed the time’s test
could not save his wife
abruptly in his mind
did one thought arise
through conflicting reasons
to himself he surmised
“there’ll always be dreams to live
tears to wipe, things to moan
to witness coiling stillness give
reason to your lonesome tone”
with this thought himself he backed
and let go of his fears
whom neither Gods could distract
he faced the mountain near
a modest hammer in hand
not for once dismayed
unfazed by its candid stand
he stood not once afraid
“for he was just some lunatic
who sold his goats for a chisel
for no man can do such trick
surely its all such drivel”
inch by inch he chipped away
just one stroke a time
when scorching sun endowed the day
heat fueled up his mind
seasons came and seasons went
men who mocked him too
turned to dust who crossed his way
yet he went going through
long before his life would cease
two decades marked his trial
all in sweat on forehead crease
and scratched on time’s dial
and then arrived this moment
it surely had to come
for in pools of anguish spent
lilies of faith bear from
speak your will and do your speak
says the farmer’s life
say you’re strong when you feel weak
marching through your strife
for no paths does life forbid
it takes no account
keep on moving as he did
man who moved the mount
Is it not awe-inspiring? So what are the remarkable lessons that we learn from this strong willed man?
Love is the biggest strength: What fuelled the resolve in this frail and poor labourer? What inspired him to take up the seemingly unattainable goal of carving path through the mountain? Was it not undying and deep love for his wife? It was this love that never left his side. It was the strong and selfless love that did not allow him to give up against all odds. It was his love that made him withstand and overlook all the ridicule, contempt and slides that he was subjected to for 22 long years. It was the undying, pure and selfless love for the woman he loved the most. If the force of love could make a poor man move mountain, imagine what love can do in your life. This leads me to conclude love adds meaning to life. In fact, love is life… If the aims of your life do not emanate from the source of love, they certainly aren’t worth chasing. This is because it is the force of love that will keep you going. It is the power of love that will help you surpass seemingly unsurpassable obstacles. Love is the shield that protects you from the pointed arrows of loss, small and big defeats, criticism and worry. To sum up, if you love the dreams that you chase, your dreams will eventually chase you and meet you half way.
Firm Resolve: What moves mountain? The remarkable life of Dashrath Manjhi proves that undying love coupled with firm resolve Moves Mountains. The journey may be long and arduous. The path may be thorny indeed. What keeps your faith going? Your firm resolve… You have no option but to be resolute. There may be many times when one might be tempted to give up for the simple reason of getting back into your comfort zone. What saves you from the clutches of your comfort zone? It is your firm resolve… Firm resolve is one of your strongest weapons indeed; for it helps you slay the enemy of dejection, defeat, drudgery, and derision. Keep the weapon of firm resolve close to your heart until your last breath.
Indifference to Public Opinion: Dashrath Manjhi was ridiculed, name-called, laughed upon, harrowed, mocked at and looked down upon. Did he give up? No! Did he feel defeated? No! What strengthened his resolve? It was the utter indifference to the ridicule, name calling and mockery that he was subjected to. He was single minded and focused upon his goal that was fuelled by undying love coupled with firm resolve. And what was the consequence? He moved the mountains indeed… What will you do when you are subjected to ridicule, mockery and contempt? Will you give up? Will you break down? Will you withdraw? Look at this man and just do what he did… If you ever intend to move the mountains of your life, be indifferent to mockery, criticism and contempt. That is the only way… There is no other way indeed…
Hard Work-The Key to Moving Mountains: Dashrath Manjhi laboured… He toiled day after day under scorching heat and adverse climatic conditions. His resolve was tested a trillion times by terrible conditions. His journey was long and treacherous indeed. But he continued toiling. He worked hard day and night against all odds. It is hard work that moves mountain… You have to work hard… You don’t really have too much of a choice. And why should you shy away from working hard? If your goals are lofty indeed, if you indeed want to move the mountains of your life, inculcate within yourself, the love for labour. Mark my words; love for labour is a lifelong companion. It will never let you down. It will not deceive you. It will only lend beauty and meaning to your life.
Never Say Die-Don’t Give Up: It took 22 years for Dashrath Manjhi to move the mountain… 22 long years… It was so easy for him to give up. The hard and treacherous journey could have broken the spirit of many in a jiffy. But the indomitable spirit and never say die attitude of Dashrath Manjhi kept him going. This is the most important lesson… At times, you are tempted to give up just when you are about to attain your goal. After that, all that remains is lifelong regret. And you certainly do not want to die with regrets in your heart. If you would like to die as a contented man, do not give up. Never say die…
I am yet to absorb the life-lessons that I have learnt from this strong willed man. The one that I have set out above are just a few. I hope his story inspires you the same way as it has inspired me. Hats off to him and may his life lessons continue to inspire mankind for ever…
Hiren Rathod.